Our dedicated team of in-house environmental engineers, scientists, hydrogeologists, occupational hygienists, and auditors are ready to lend their expert skills to your projects. With a proven track record, we excel in guiding clients through the complexities of regulatory frameworks, enhancing compliance across the project lifecycle.

Embracing innovation, our environmental consultants specialise in various areas, including contaminated land management (site investigation, risk assessment, site remediation, and validation), waste management, salinity and acid sulfate soils, landfill services, marine/dredging, occupational hygiene, and environmental auditing.



Integrated practical solutions


Reliable service and easy to work with


Conduct our business with integrity


Full geotechnical and groundwater engineering support


Tender preparation service


Comprehensive range of analytical testing

Contaminated Land Management

Contaminated land is a pressing concern, and we understand the challenges it poses to projects and the environment. That’s why Douglas Partners leverages the best available technologies and methodologies to assess, remediate, and effectively manage contaminated land, easing your worries and ensuring a smooth project execution.

Our comprehensive suite of contaminated land management services includes:

Preliminary and detailed site investigations – Assessment and characterisation of environmental media i.e., soil, groundwater, soil vapour, indoor/outdoor air and sediments utilising the latest tools and technologies for data collection, analysis, and data presentation/visualisation.
Conceptual site model development and refinement over the project lifecycle from simple models to advanced data visualisation methods (e.g. Leapfrog Geo), depending on the complexity of the site conditions.
Contaminant fate and transport modelling, typically using common software packages, e.g. MODFLOW / Groundwater Vistas, GeoStudio, Hydrus, BioChlor, Mass Flux Toolkit to assess either potential risk(s) to receptor(s) or remediation feasibility / remediation performance (e.g. natural attenuation).
Human health and ecological risk assessment utilising mathematical models.
Remediation options assessments for:
  • Soils including in situ or ex situ bioremediation, stabilisation / solidification, containment cell / capping systems, thermal desorption, phytoremediation, soil vapour extraction and soil washing.
  • Groundwater including pump and treat, chemical oxidation, bioremediation (biostimulation and / or bioaugmentation), permeable reactive barrier, monitored natural attenuation and phytoremediation.
  • Soil vapour / landfill gas including active or passive sub-slab ventilation layers and welded membranes.

Remediation system concept design, detailed design and specifications, including in collaboration with our trusted industry partners and product vendors.
Remediation feasibility and scoping studies (bench-scale, in collaboration with our laboratory sub-contractors, and pilot trials) and sustainable remediation assessment/green remediation metrics assessment.
Remediation risk forecasting using probabilistic methods to evaluate potential project risks associated with the inherent complexity of natural systems, contaminant distribution between sampling points and/or other parameters of interest defined by our clients.
Validation of site remediation, including any ongoing monitoring and/or management.

Waste Management

Douglas Partners’ Waste Management Services take the burden of navigating complex environmental regulations off your shoulders, while focusing on the core objective of sustainable waste management.

Our comprehensive waste management services encompass:

  • Waste classification of materials (e.g. materials testing spoil or contaminated fill) under relevant regulatory frameworks. 
  • Resource recovery involving assessment of wastes (e.g. surplus soils / materials) for the purpose of beneficial re-use under relevant regulatory frameworks.
  • Waste minimisation on contaminated land remediation projects via design optimisation encapsulating contaminated soils (i.e. potential waste) in-place, and/or within strategically located engineered containment cells within the proposed final landform, to minimise waste generation and disposal costs.
  • Fill / waste quantity volume forecasting utilising probabilistic methods to assess uncertainty of fill depth (and/or contaminant concentrations) between data points to provide a theoretical distribution curve forecasting a range of potential outcomes upon excavation, based on an existing dataset.
  • Hazardous waste management and advice of waste treatment options.
  • Waste management planning.
  • Testing of surplus water from construction or dam dewatering for disposal / discharge requirements.

Salinity and Acid Sulfate Soils Assessment

Our services include:

  • Preliminary assessment of potential for salinity and ASS through desk-top studies.
  • Assessment of potential and extent of salinity and ASS through field investigations comprising sample collection and testing.
  • Field-testing and laboratory analysis.
  • Compliance with Council requirements.
  • Preparation of management plans to ensure safe and effective management of ASS and salinity.

Landfill Services

Douglas Partners can help you navigate the intricate landscape of landfill management, ensuring compliance and optimal performance for a sustainable and efficient landfill solution. We offer extensive expertise in landfill permitting for design, gas control, and leachate control, catering to proposed, existing, and closed landfills.

Our experienced team provides design and earthworks specifications, incorporating cutting-edge geosynthetics technology, all in accordance with the latest siting and design guidelines, as well as state-based regulations.

Our landfill services includes:

  • Cell and capping design with clay, HDPE (cell), LLDPE (capping), geo-composites and protective geo-fabrics tailored to site conditions.
  • Leachate drainage and collection systems.
  • Surveying to provide design base levels and production of construction drawings.
  • 3-D modelling for waste and soil (extraction) volumes.
  • Slope stability assessment and analysis for estimation of settlement.
  • Rehabilitation and post-closure plans including final height contours, both pre and post-settlement.
  • Terrain analysis, geological mapping and desk studies for the siting of new landfills.
  • Hydrogeological assessments.
  • Water balance studies, leachate control and treatment studies and leachate evaporation pond design.
  • Landfill environmental management plans.
  • Operational and closure plans.
  • Phasing plans for sites including drawings, volumetrics and soils balances.
  • Due diligence on current operational and former landfill sites.
  • Design mitigations for construction over or near former landfill sites including gas ventilation, extraction and barrier systems.
  • Site management and action plans for the control and remediation of landfill gas migration.
  • Assessment of landfill gas migration using chemical and carbon fingerprinting techniques.
  • Gas field design including well placement, design and installation quality assurance.
  • On site gas monitoring including composition of gas, flow of gas and capping / well integrity.

Marine Dredging and Environmental Studies

Douglas Partners provides effective solutions for clients seeking assessments of marine and estuarine sediments’ environmental impact. Our specialised services cover sediment contamination in various water bodies, including inland freshwater creeks, rivers, lakes, estuarine, coastal, and harbor areas, as well as marine environments.

With expertise in analysing sediment and pore water, we offer comprehensive insights into contaminant concentrations, empowering informed decision-making. Additionally, our understanding of fluvial processes enhances clients’ awareness of sediment dynamics in water bodies.

Our range of services, backed by an innovative drilling and field services unit, include:

  • Sampling, testing and assessment of freshwater, estuarine and marine sediments.
  • Acid sulfate soil assessment.
  • Specialist elutriate, bioavailability, toxicity and bioaccumulation testing in collaboration with our laboratory sub-contractors and research entities, depending on the complexity of the project.
  • Geotechnical investigation for dredging works design.
  • Harbour reclamation studies.
  • Dredged spoil disposal advice under the National Assessment Guidelines for Dredging framework.
  • Geophysical surveys of bottom sediment type and depth in collaboration with our trusted industry partners.
  • Advanced 3-D modelling of sediment deposits using modelling/data visualisation tools (e.g., Leapfrog Geo).
  • Sediment remediation feasibility studies for capping and in situ treatment or ex situ treatment.  Concept and detailed design, in collaboration with our specialist sub-consultants, where necessary.    
  • Validation of sediment remediation.

Occupational Hygiene Services

At Douglas Partners, we offer comprehensive occupational hygiene services that encompass the management of asbestos and hazardous building materials. Our qualified and experienced team includes Licensed Asbestos Assessors (LAA’s) and Competent Person(s) who conduct thorough assessments, adhering to Australian legislative requirements, industry guidelines, and best practices.

Beyond asbestos management, our services extend to identifying, assessing, and controlling various other chemical, biological, and physical stressors in the workplace. With a strong focus on compliance and safety, we are committed to ensuring a healthy and hazard-free work environment for our clients.

Our services include:

Asbestos / Hazardous Materials
  • Building surveys (for general compliance, due-diligence and demolition purposes)
  • Air monitoring for asbestos, lead and other contaminants
  • Clearance inspections and certificates 
  • Management plans
  • Technical specifications for removal
  • Site observation during removal work
  • Investigation of unexpected finds
Occupational Hygiene
  • Workplace walkthrough assessments 
  • Personal exposure air monitoring (e.g. dust, silica, VOC’s)
  • Noise (dosimetry, surveys, and mapping)
  • Mould/fungi
  • Indoor air quality
  • Radiation (ionising and non-ionising)
  • Thermal stress
  • Lighting
  • Vibration (hand-arm and whole body)

Environmental Auditing

Environmental auditors, also known as contaminated sites auditors, play a crucial role in ensuring sites are suitable for their intended use and verifying the cleanup of contaminated land. Their tasks extend beyond this, often as a requirement of planning approval or other statutory obligations. Auditors review and endorse environmental management plans, assess environmental conditions, and verify the quality of work by other consultants.

Douglas Partners’ two experienced auditors, Mike Nash, and Dr. Paul Moritz balance objectivity and independence in their work, ensuring efficient protection of the environment’s interests.

Mike Nash is a hydrogeologist and NPER Registered Engineer in both the Civil and Environmental Divisions of Engineers Australia. Mike has carried out approximately 100 contaminated sites audits in various jurisdictions, including piggeries, chicken farms, orchard and market garden sites, glasshouse sites, service stations, commercial and industrial sites, landfills, defence department facilities, railway facilities and electrical depots.

Paul Moritz is an environmental and industrial chemist and Fellow of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute and a Chartered Chemist. He has completed over 40 environmental audits. These have included: former service stations; factory sites; urban warehouses and workshops; market gardens, orchards, and grazing land; schools; Council depots, and sites affected or occupied by landfills.

We serve a wide range of clients, from land developers and local government authorities to schools and private landfill operators. The responsibilities of contaminated sites auditors, and the way in which they work, varies from State to State. Mike and Paul are accredited in various States as follows:

  • NSW, ACT, NT: Mike Nash, Paul Moritz
  • VIC: Paul Moritz

In Victoria, we can conduct preliminary risk screen assessments (PRSAs) to determine if an environmental audit is necessary.


An environmental consultant is a professional who provides expert advice and solutions to organisations and businesses regarding environmental issues and regulations. They specialise in assessing environmental risks, managing contaminated sites, ensuring compliance with environmental laws, and developing strategies to mitigate environmental impact.

Douglas Partners offers a comprehensive range of environmental consulting services tailored to various industries’ needs, including construction, waste management, and land development. Our services include:

  • Contaminated land management: Detailed site investigations, remediation, and risk assessments.
  • Waste management and landfill services: Design, operation, and compliance strategies.
  • Marine dredging and environmental studies: Impact assessments and compliance with the Environmental Protection (Sea Dumping) Act 1981.
  • Salinity and acid sulfate soil assessment: Evaluation and remediation strategies to manage soil risks.
  • Occupational hygiene services: Air quality monitoring and hazardous materials management.
  • Environmental auditing: Assessing environmental management plans and compliance with ISO 14001 standards.

Our team of environmental engineers, scientists, and auditors helps businesses navigate complex environmental regulations while minimizing risks and ensuring project success.

Environmental consultants play a crucial role in managing contaminated land. At Douglas Partners, this process begins with thorough site investigations, where we assess and characterise environmental media such as soil, groundwater, and air. Using these assessments, we develop conceptual site models (CSMs) and conduct risk assessments for both human health and the ecosystem.

We then design effective remediation strategies, using in situ (on-site) or ex situ (off-site) treatments to manage contaminants. After clean-up, we perform validation testing to confirm that the site meets regulatory requirements, ensuring safety and compliance with frameworks like NEPM (Assessment of Site Contamination).

Yes, environmental consultants are crucial in obtaining environmental permits. Douglas Partners helps clients navigate the complex permitting process by conducting detailed environmental assessments, preparing the necessary documentation, and ensuring compliance with both national and state-level regulations such as the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (EPBC) Act.

Whether for construction, waste management, or other industrial activities, we simplify the permitting process, helping reduce delays and maintain project timelines. Our expertise ensures that your project meets all legal and regulatory requirements.

Environmental auditing is the process of assessing a site’s environmental compliance with regulatory standards. Douglas Partners’ environmental auditors follow industry standards like ISO 14001 to ensure that projects meet environmental obligations. Audits are often required for planning approvals or as part of ongoing environmental management systems. Our audits provide third-party verification of environmental management plans, contamination clean-ups, and project work quality. This helps businesses avoid legal issues, fines, and reputational damage by ensuring their operations meet regulatory requirements.

Douglas Partners offers comprehensive expertise in landfill management, helping businesses ensure compliance and optimal landfill performance. Our services include:

  • Cell and capping design: Engineering for effective containment and reduced environmental impact.
  • Leachate collection systems: Preventing contamination of surrounding areas.
  • Gas control systems: Reducing harmful landfill gas emissions, following AS 4439 standards.
  • Slope stability assessments: Ensuring structural integrity and safety of landfill sites.
  • Post-closure strategies: Long-term management of closed landfills to minimize environmental risks.

By offering tailored solutions, we ensure that landfills are managed sustainably, in accordance with EPA landfill guidelines, minimizing their ecological footprint.

If your project involves activities that could impact the environment—such as construction, waste management, or land development—you likely need an environmental consultant. Douglas Partners can assess environmental risks related to your project and ensure you comply with all relevant regulations, including state-based permits and environmental impact statements (EIS).

Additionally, projects involving hazardous materials, contaminated land, or environmental permitting will benefit from the guidance of an experienced consultant to ensure compliance and minimize environmental risks.

Ground improvement projects require a careful evaluation of environmental impacts to avoid adverse effects on soil, groundwater, and ecosystems. At Douglas Partners, we assess the site conditions, including soil stability and potential contamination, such as acid sulfate soils or salinity. We provide tailored remediation strategies and environmental management plans to ensure that all ground improvement activities comply with regulations while minimizing their ecological footprint.

Have you got any questions?

Get in touch with our team now, we are happy to help.